Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 3 & 4

More hills and lots of rain on Saturday. Crossed into Arkansa and had a good time going through the Ozarks. Not much else happened Saturday. I stayed at a hotel in Hot Springs Arkansas to dry off from the good soaking i got all day.
It was hot and humid Sunday morning and there was fog everywhere. The temperature was pretty warm from then on.
Crossed into Louisiana in the after noon and stopped for gas. This is where the lost wallet fiasco started. Because of the heat i took my backpack off and strapped it to the bike. I made the mistake of leaving my wallet in the side pocket of the backpack and it promptly fell out in the 60 miles I traveled before I stopped at a gas station for a soda. I spent the next few hours trying to look for my wallet and figure out what to do if i cant find it. I looked until i was just about out of gas. Couldn't find my wallet so my dad wired me enough money for a few days and i planned on looking more for the wallet once i gassed up. Then just as I arrived at the super market to pick up the money I saw i had a new voice mail. It was the Milwaukee police department and they received a call about my lost wallet. So after a few phone calls, I drove north a bit and met up with the father and son that found my wallet on the side of the road all scattered about. I tried to give them a reward or at least get their address so i could send them a thank you gift. They were just glad i got my wallet back and so was I. That saved me a world of trouble. This whole fiasco proved to me that there are plenty of good people left out there.
Then after getting my wallet back it just had to rain a little before i found a motel and called it a night. Stayed in another small town called Many Louisiana.


  1. What a time you had so far. It's nice to know there are "angels" out there, though. But don't count on having them around.
    Great pictures. Hope you are nice and dry.
    Love you,

  2. Hope all is going well. I don't see any updates for the past 4 days, and hope you are dry and having FUN on the road trip. Have you gone past the oil spill on the gulf coast yet? Tia says she wants you to post more pictures. Look forward to seeing more updates soon! Take care.

    Joel, Gina, Tia, and Dorian
